Setbacks in Families can be Seen as Stepping Stones

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice…that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” – 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NKJV)

All families experience challenges or what appear to be setbacks in life, for example, divorce, teenage pregnancies, chronic illnesses, and even death. When these things happen, we want to pull out our hair because we think that all is lost. But today, I want to submit to you that these setbacks are really stepping stones that should serve as building blocks for the growth and development of your family.

Today I want to share a testimony concerning my family. One of my sisters became very ill while at work one day and had to be hospitalised for a period of time. We were all deeply concerned about her well-being since we did not know for sure what had caused this sudden illness.  However, instead of worrying, we came together and pooled our resources to ensure that she received the financial resources to do all her tests during her illness. We purchased all she needed to ensure her hospital stay was comfortable. Also, we ensured that after she was discharged, she was comfortable and provided for until she was fully recovered to return to her home and job. In addition to giving financially as family members, we prayed for her recovery.  Different ones made time to visit her, and we bonded as a family during this difficult time.

I want to encourage you as members of a family to see purpose in every difficult situation, and  I want to assure you that you will come out stronger after you have passed through the fire.  Learn to see opportunities for a closer relationship with each other in the midst of calamities and make prayer a priority during these times. Strive to flourish even in times of testing.


Lord, I come before You today, lifting my family members. You know the difficult time we are experiencing at present. Please help us to see that You are working out something good for all of us during this season in our lives and help us to bind together as one unit with cords of love; take all the honour and glory, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 38:1-12; Luke 7:11-35; Numbers 23:27-30; Numbers 24; Numbers 25; Numbers 26:1-11

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